Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Animal Game

Have the kids create a big circle sitting on chairs.  One person is in the middle with a rolled up newspaper (I usually tape it so it stays rolled up).  Go around and have everyone say the name of an animal they will be (dog, cat, fly, pig, gerbil, lion).  One person starts by saying their animal followed by someone else's animal.  The person in the middle then has to try to hit the person in the leg before they say their name and someone else's.  "IT" is passed around until someone gets hit.
  • 10 - 20 minutes
  • Jr. High
  • 15-40
  • encourage kids to do simple names, as complex or long names do not get called.
  • 1/2 way through the game find out who has not been called  and get kids to call them.  It is good for leaders to play, as they can make sure everyone gets called.